Caritas Ukraine continues the project of supporting treatment of children suffering from cancer
Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 13:22 Philanthropists from Australia (Ukrainian Catholic Church in Australia) are continuing to finance the Caritas Project -- Providing Medical Help to Children at the Western Ukrainian Specialized Child Medical Center. The previous phase of the project, from October 2011 until February 2013, provided support to 37 families touched by cancer. The general budget of the project was over 2,073 million hryvni (257,475 USD). Recently Caritas Ukraine received an additional funding of 649,992 hryvni (81,245 USD) to continue supporting families with children suffering from cancer.Philanthropists from Australia (Ukrainian Catholic Church in Australia) are continuing to finance the Caritas Project -- Providing Medical Help to Children at the Western Ukrainian Specialized Child Medical Center. The previous phase of the project, from October 2011 until February 2013, provided support to 37 families touched by cancer. The general budget of the project was over 2,073 million hryvni (257,475 USD). Recently Caritas Ukraine received an additional funding of 649,992 hryvni (81,245 USD) to continue supporting families with children suffering from cancer.
According to donor stipulations, Caritas Ukraine does not finance surgeries or medical treatment abroad and does not transfer any funds into the private accounts of the sick. These funds can only cover bills for medications needed by minors suffering from cancer.
After all necessary documents have been collected and fact-finding meetings with physicians and parents of the affected children have been completed, the project director specifies the needs of each child, proposes and finalizes an agreement as to the amount of financial support that Caritas is able to contribute to each specific case.
Thus, although the Caritas Project is not on a grandiose scale, it does assist some tens of Ukrainian families in being able to get access to medications needed for their sick children.
Our heartfelt gratitude to the generous donors from Australia!
Reported by Nadiya Chorna
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