Caritas of Kolomyia-Chernivets Eparchy is the winner of the “Save a Good Person!” Project
Monday, 29 April 2013, 12:57 Recently the All-Ukrainian Grant Competition “Save a Good Person!” was conducted by the Foundation named for the Princes Benefactors Ostrosky, within the framework of the program Bank of Good Causes, initiated by UkrGasBank. The Press Service of Charity Fund Caritas of Kolomyia-Chernivets Eparchy announced that it won the competition in submitting the best proposal for the Ivano-Frankivsk region.Recently the All-Ukrainian Grant Competition “Save a Good Person!” was conducted by the Foundation named for the Princes Benefactors Ostrosky, within the framework of the program Bank of Good Causes, initiated by UkrGasBank. The Press Service of Charity Fund Caritas of Kolomyia-Chernivets Eparchy announced that it won the competition in submitting the best proposal for the Ivano-Frankivsk region.
A partner of the All-Ukrainian Social Program Bank of Good Causes in Ivano-Frankivsk became Caritas-Kolomyia. This charity fund proposed the best idea on how to gather funds for indigent Ukrainians.
On April 25th, at a press conference in Ivano-Frankivsk, representatives of UkrGasBank and the charity fund Caritas of the Kolomyia-Chernivets Eparchy, presented the “Save a Good Person!” project and described the process of its imminent inauguration.
Starting now, in Ivano-Frankivsk region, there is a place to which anyone can turn to in search of material and moral assistance. Together with volunteers and
relatives of the seriously ill, Caritas staff will conduct: charity street venues, door-to-door campaigns; placement of charitable donation boxes at commercial places, churches, and community centers; recruitment of local socially responsible business enterprises; a mailing campaign seeking assistance; charity lotteries and auctions with the assistance of media; other public events.
All activities by Caritas and various partners are transparent and understandable. To ensure this, a special website (, has been established that includes all foundations and permits one to survey all the completed and current projects in any region of Ukraine. Anyone willing, can contribute in material and non-material ways, and can track the current status of the collection of funds.
UGCC Department of Information
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