Bishops of Poland express their solidarity in prayer with the Ukrainian people (updated)
Monday, 09 December 2013, 15:21 The Polish Episcopal Conference sent Ukrainians “words of solidarity in prayer with the Ukrainian people at this moment of such significant historic meaning.” “We strive to express our spiritual union with all Ukrainian citizens who during these days feel a special responsibility for the fate of their motherland,” states the letter from the Polish Episcopal Conference addressed to UGCC Head HisBeatitude Sviatoslav. “With our prayer we embrace your motherland with which Poland has brotherly and good neighbor ties as well as numerous collaborative efforts.”-
See also:
- The Head of the UGCC thanked bishops of Poland for all-Polish Day of praying for peace in Ukraine
Ukraine deserves that its citizens be able to live in dignity and that their rights be respected and based on universal values which come from common Christian roots, the letter notes. “We fervently believe that Christ – the Lord of the history and actions of humans – will permit us all to overcome all difficulties, making them the foundation of a new closeness and hope for the resurrection of goodness,” state the authors.
“We ask once again that you pass on to your faithful and all Ukrainian citizens,” note the Polish bishops, “our expression of closeness and solidarity through prayer with these words: God, safeguard Ukraine!”
UGCC Department of Information
Polish Episcopal Conference
Warsaw , December 5, 2013
Your Beatitude Major Archbishop Sviatoslav, Kyiv – Halych Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church,
Highly Regarded Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki, Lviv Metropoltan of the Latin Rite!
In the name of the Polish Bishops we wish to tell you of our solidarity in prayer with the Ukrainian people at this time, so full of historic significance. We wish to express our spiritual union with all the citizens of Ukraine who during these days are taking on special responsibilities for the fate of their motherland.
With our prayer, we embrace Your Motherland, with which
In our declaration, regardless of political premises, in the perspective of faith, we also spoke about the need of “a common testimony of the Christians from Poland and Ukraine in Europe which is uniting,” and we also prayed for God’s assistance “to Polish and Ukrainian peoples, that in living in peace, they share their spiritual wealth and thereby contribute to the unity and future of Europe.”
Then we also sent joint brotherly greetings to the Orthodox brethren in
These words – once pronounced by both the Roman and
Please pass on to your faithful, Ukrainian citizens, once again our expressions of closeness and support through prayer, expressed by the words: “God, safeguard
Józef Michalik, Metropolitan of Przemyśl, President, Polish Episcopal Conference
Bishop Wojciech Polak, Secretary, Polish Episcopal Conference
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