Bishop Mykhail Koltun: ‘Prison does not solve the problem of the consequences of crime, and often becomes a place where lawlessness is multiplied’
Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 22:25 Prison does not solve the problem of the consequences of crime, and often becomes a place where lawlessness is multiplied and becomes only vengeance and the exclusion of “us” from “them,” Bishop Mykhail Koltun, the head of the UGCC Department for Pastoral Care in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said on Sunday, February 12, on the occasion of the Day of Special Pastoral Attention of the UGCC to Prison Ministry.
Prison does not solve the problem of the consequences of crime, and often becomes a place where lawlessness is multiplied and becomes only vengeance and the exclusion of “us” from “them,” Bishop Mykhail Koltun, the head of the UGCC Department for Pastoral Care in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said on Sunday, February 12, on the occasion of the Day of Special Pastoral Attention of the UGCC to Prison Ministry.
Bishop Mykhail Koltun says that society authorizes the legitimate state authorities to respond to crime by police services and the justice system. It exists in order for the offender to realize the gravity of his act, change his behavior, and return to normal social life, and to warn others of offenses.
So prison, he said, unfortunately, will accompany the human civilization as long as the world exists. But in the reaction to a crime there also needs to be a place for persistent and unconditional humanity, so that a person, realizing that his deed is worthy of punishment, will retain his own dignity in order for him to be able to return to normal coexistence in society.
“But a sentence of imprisonment results in additional sentences for a convicted person, which are not covered by the Criminal Code – namely, humiliation, restrictions and dangers,” says Bishop Koltun.
He notes that the prison system in Ukraine willingly accepts the ministry of the Church, but the priest’s work in this area cannot be effective without the help of the laity.
“Christian ministry in the prison environment is pastoral work that requires the most time. Prison chaplains and lay volunteers are a bridge between persons deprived of their freedom and the society. Of great importance are goodwill, fraternal interest, concern and compassion. To a great extent this weakens the flow of evil that abounds behind barbed wire,” said Bishop Koltun.
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