Bishop Joseph described the program of the Pilgrimage to the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv
Thursday, 06 June 2013, 07:34 During the pilgrimage on August 17-18 to UGCC Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv, the pilgrims will not only take part in the blessings of the building of the Cathedral, but they will also visit the religious centers in the capital. On August 16, 2013 an exhibit dedicated to UGCC Patriarch Josyf (Slipyi) in the basement of the Cathedral where the crypt is housed to which soon his relics will be transferred. As is known, in his “Testament” His Beatitude Josyf desired that if Ukraine becomes free, then his body should be placed in the Kyiv St. Sophia catacombs.During the pilgrimage on August 17-18 to UGCC Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv, the pilgrims will not only take part in the blessings of the building of the Cathedral, but they will also visit the religious centers in the capital. On August 16, 2013 an exhibit dedicated to UGCC Patriarch Josyf (Slipyi) in the basement of the Cathedral where the crypt is housed to which soon his relics will be transferred. As is known, in his “Testament” His Beatitude Josyf desired that if Ukraine becomes free, then his body should be placed in the Kyiv St. Sophia catacombs.
Since UGCC has already constructed a Cathedral on the Left Bank of Dnipro River the relics of the Patriarch will rest there. The announcement was made by Bishop Joseph (Milan), Chair of the Overseer’s Committee of the Building of the Patriarchal Cathedral and the Director of the Pilgrimage Organizing Committee for Celebrations of the Baptism of Ukraine-Rus, during a press conference held on June 4th about the blessing of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv on August 17-18.
According to the Bishop, in the basement of the Cathedral, there will also be another exhibit “The Pope and Ukraine” dedicated to the memory of the Roman Pope John Paul II. The day before the blessing of the Cathedral, on August 17th, there will be an excursion for pilgrims to the sacred places in Kyiv and Vespers on Volodymyr’s Hill. Afterwards, there will be a Vespers and a part of the Rite of Blessing of the Cathedral. A night prayer vigil will take place in the Performance Hall of the Cathedral – silent prayer, and separate vigils for youth in the Exhibition Hall of the ExpoCenter located nearby.
On Sunday, August 18, at 9 a.m. the Pontifical Divine Liturgy will begin, followed by the Rite of the Blessing of the Cathedral and the renewal of Baptismal Vows. This will conclude with the blessing of the water in Dnipro River.
At the end there will be a spiritual-artistic presentation with the participation of famous artists as well as a Benefit Banquet for those interested. And in the National Palace of Arts, Ukraina, there will be a spiritual-artistic happening “Ukraine’s Iconostasis” with mystic motifs by the Ukrainian poetess Vira Vovk from Brazil about the history of Ukrainian Christianity.
UGCC Department of Information
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