Archbishop of Lviv: It used to be difficult to think that Pope John Paul II could come to Ukraine
Monday, 24 October 2011, 20:30 On October 21, the head of the UGCC, Patriarch Sviatoslav, attended the oratorio Totus Tuus in honor of the 10th anniversary of the papal visit to Ukraine in June 2001. Archbishop of Lviv Bishop Ihor (Vozniak) welcomed the guests in the Lviv Regional Philharmonic, reports the press service of the Lviv archeparchy.
On October 21, the head of the UGCC, Patriarch Sviatoslav, attended the oratorio Totus Tuus in honor of the 10th anniversary of the papal visit to Ukraine in June 2001. Archbishop of Lviv Bishop Ihor (Vozniak) welcomed the guests in the Lviv Regional Philharmonic, reports the press service of the Lviv archeparchy.
Myroslav Volynskyi composed the oratorio for soloists, a chorus, orchestra and reader. Anna Volyonksa was the author of the piece, which was based on texts of Pope John Paul II.
In the dictionary, oratorio is defined as a composition with a dramatic plot and intended for concert performance, said the archbishop. “What is dramatic about the arrival of the blessed John Paul II to Ukraine?” asks the archbishop of Lviv. “Maybe the fact that it had been so difficult to think that such a time would come when the Holy Father would visit Ukraine.”
“The strong influence of past communist ideology, enslavement of the people, people's fear, unbelievers’ resistance, and many politicians’ objections greatly diminished the chance for a papal visit. Despite these adverse and unfortunate circumstances, everything came out differently and the visit took place. God's will was positive. This oratorio, in my humble opinion, fully complies with the requirements of such a respected work,” said Archbishop Ihor.
The UGCC Lviv Archeparchy together with the Andrey Foundation and the Lviv branch of the Ukrainian National Music Union organized the oratorio. Mykhailo Perun thought of the idea.
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