All Ukrainian Pilgrimage to Zarvanytsya (Saturday, July 18)
Sunday, 26 July 2009, 21:07 The All Ukrainian Pilgrimage to Maria’s Spiritual Center in Zarvanytsya began on July 18. This year’s pilgrimage took place within the framework of the yearlong celebration of the Divine Calling. The pilgrimage began with registration of participants on Saturday, July 18, followed by a Rosary prayer at 12:00 at the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya sculpture (found within an area considered to be miraculous).
The All Ukrainian Pilgrimage to Maria’s Spiritual Center in Zarvanytsya began on July 18. This year’s pilgrimage took place within the framework of the yearlong celebration of the Divine Calling. The pilgrimage began with registration of participants on Saturday, July 18, followed by a Rosary prayer at 12:00 at the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya sculpture (found within an area considered to be miraculous).
After the prayers, Reverend Bishop Vasyliy (Semenyuk), Eparch of Ternopil' and Zboriv, blessed water and the newly built fountain of Saint Anna.
The evening program included a Moleben to the Mother of God and a walk from the parish church to the outdoor chapel, where participants were met with the welcoming words of Cardinal Giovanni Layolo, President of Pontifical Commission for Vatican-City State Affairs. In his speech, the Cardinal said that, “this evening, I come to you as a pilgrim, to worship the Holy Mother of God and to pass on to all of you, those that have gathered here in Maria’s Sanctuary, the Apostolic blessing of the Holy Father Benedict XVI... Your numerous presence for today’s celebration testifies to the importance for God’s people to be always alongside the Divine Mother. It is from Her that we learn the main rule of Christian life – to always, in every moment of our lives, put God in the forefront.” The Cardinal also commented that, “the Church reminds us that necessity of tirelessly praying for the gift of the Divine Calling. As taught to us by Jesus Christ: ‘Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ Throughout the long history of the Church, ‘the harvests were large,’ however to a certain extent there were not enough workers. This is even more relevant in contemporary society: how many people in Ukraine and around the world expect to hear the Word of God from us, with hopes to enlighten their lives and to meet with Jesus Christ and hear His Good News.”
After the Cardinal’s speech, the Divine Hierarch Liturgy began, which was led by Reverend Bishops-Jubilate: Stephan Meniok, Mikhail Koltun, Vasyl Medvit and Vasyl Semenyuk (who turns 60 this year).
The day ended with a candlelight walk to the miraculous place, a prayer Service to the Mother of God followed by a spiritual concert for youth and nightly prayers for the elderly.
Information Department of the UGCC

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