A public hearing concerning the problems faced by Ukrainian labor migrants took place in Portugal
Sunday, 26 July 2009, 21:04 Changes in Ukrainian legislation related to labor migrants has sparked discussions and protests from Ukrainians living in Italy, Portugal and Spain. Representatives of many public organizations from these countries claim that the legislation panders to populist worries over Ukrainians living abroad, and politicians play on this fear to hide their own vested interests. Their suspicions were confirmed by the following statement made by Savik Shuster during his program ‘Freedom of word:’ “you do not pay taxes and you do not vote. You are not interesting for us!”
Changes in Ukrainian legislation related to labor migrants has sparked discussions and protests from Ukrainians living in Italy, Portugal and Spain. Representatives of many public organizations from these countries claim that the legislation panders to populist worries over Ukrainians living abroad, and politicians play on this fear to hide their own vested interests. Their suspicions were confirmed by the following statement made by Savik Shuster during his program ‘Freedom of word:’ “you do not pay taxes and you do not vote. You are not interesting for us!”
“Although labor migrants may not be of significant interest for Ukrainian politicians, who change their political platforms to suit their own business interests, those Ukrainians, who were forced to travel and work abroad to provide for their families back in Ukraine, have a strong desire to return to their Motherland. However, they do not want to become victims of a corrupt government, but rather they wish to live on their own land under democratic principles and respect for humanity,” explained representatives from Ukrainian community organizations.
On Sunday, July 12, in the hall of the Church São Jorge de Arroios, in Lisbon, a public hearing took place for people to ask questions about topics of concern to Ukrainian labor immigrants. The hearing was organized by the Union of Ukrainians in Portugal.
The idea for this type of event arose as a result of the collaboration between Ukrainian public organizations of Europe and the UGCC Commission for Migrants. The purpose of the hearing was to determine the public opinion concerning the problems face by Ukrainian emigrants:
The following questions were put forth at the hearing:
1. Ukrainian working immigrants: traitors or investors?After an emotional discussion, which confirmed the reality behind these questions for Ukrainians community in Portugal, the majority of the participants decided form a committee that would defend the rights of Ukrainian citizens that live abroad and to create a website for people to express their opinions on topics related to Ukrainian labor migration.
2. Do we have a right to influence policy in Ukraine?
3. What can we expect in terms of pensions?
4. State Tax Administration of Ukraine considers us to be businessmen.
5. Crossing the Ukrainian border – one of the biggest obstacles for an emigrant.
6. Dual citizenship: a path to Europe or to prison?
7. Status of Ukrainian citizens who live abroad.
For the Information Department,
Paul Sadokha,
Head of Society of Ukrainians in Portugal
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