A Pastoral Catechism Guide was officially presented in Lviv
Wednesday, 12 December 2012, 11:48 On December 6, 2012, during a scholarly-practical conference, dealing with the gains, challenges, and perspectives of expanding UGCC pastoral theology, held at UCU Philosophical-Theological Faculty Conference Hall in Lviv, A Pastoral Catechism Guide was presented. This guide was published in accordance with the decision of the UGCC Synod of Bishops and was presented by Rev. Mykhailo Harvat, the Head of the Catechetical Commission of Kyiv-Halych Major Archbishopric.In analyzing the last resolutions of UGCC Synod of Bishops, Rev. Mykhailo noted that many of them were passed within the context of the development of UGCC strategy “A Vibrant Parish – the place of meeting Christ” and special attention was paid to the role of the pastor. Due to this, according to the priest, the goal of the Commission was to give pastors an appropriate instrument that can be utilized in providing sound catechetical service.
Therefore, over one and a half year, close to 700 people, including catechists and theology experts worked on this edition. “This guide provides practical suggestions on how to organize the catechetical life in the parish community,” emphasized Rev. Mykhailo. It consists of four chapters: catechetical teachings in the life of the parish (catechetical school, Biblical apostolate, cooperation with educational institutions and institutes of spiritual life), catechization in the prayer life of the parish (catechism in daily services, during the fulfillment of blessings, Divine Liturgy), in the communal life of the parish (pilgrimages, excursions, camps, parish gatherings, recollections), in the social life of the parish (in rehabilitation centers, among armed forces, student campuses), as well as documents of the Church on catechization.
In concluding his presentation Rev. Mykhailo thanked all the bishops of UGCC Synod of Bishops who carefully analyzed the structure of the guide and its entire contents and encouraged pastors to organize catechism schools in their parishes in order that “each faithful understands the truths of faith.” “May this guide prove helpful to you in preaching the Word of God among God’s people,” added Rev. Mykhailo.
Participants in the conference were Bishop Taras (Senkiv), Apostolic Administrator of UGCC Stryi Epachy, and scholars from Lviv, Ternopil, Drohobych and Kyiv. During two plenary sessions the hierarchs discussed the historical development of pastoral theology, current tendencies and the basic directions of its development.
Detailed information is available on the blog poradnuc.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html.
UGCC Department of Information

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