A memorial tablet for Metropolitan Andrey (Sheptytsky) was unveiled in Lviv (renewed)
Friday, 07 November 2008, 12:24 On October 31 on Metropolitan Andrey Street 2 in Lviv, a memorial tablet in honor of Metropolitan Andrey (Sheptytsky) was unveiled. Reverend Bishop Hlib (Lonchyna), Curial Bishop, blessed the tablet. The initiator of establishing the memorial tablet was the Lviv regional society of political prisoners and repressions. According to the head of the society, Petro Franko, Andrey Sheptytsky is the most majestic figure in Ukrainian history: "His way of life deserves to be followed...
On October 31 on Metropolitan Andrey Street 2 in Lviv, a memorial tablet in honor of Metropolitan Andrey (Sheptytsky) was unveiled. Reverend Bishop Hlib (Lonchyna), Curial Bishop, blessed the tablet. The initiator of establishing the memorial tablet was the Lviv regional society of political prisoners and repressions. According to the head of the society, Petro Franko, Andrey Sheptytsky is the most majestic figure in Ukrainian history: "His way of life deserves to be followed. We all have to remember him and take his example. He was a comprehensively developed, unusually good man. If it were not for him, there would be no National Museum and many other valuable memorials in Lviv."
"We honor great people like Andrey Sheptytsky in different ways,” said Bishop Hlib. “First of all we honor him with our prayers, by our visits to his relics which rest in the crypt of Saint George’s Cathedral. Especially we honor the memory of the metropolitan when we read his works, take to heart his words and carry them out in personal and family life. Metropolitan Andrey (Sheptytsky) is great above all because he loved God, and gave Him his life and all his efforts."
Bishop Hlib called for great love and gratitude to remember this majestic figure, to understand deeply the example of his life in love for God and people. "Therefore, when we pass this street, let the memorial tablet established for the honor and glory of Metropolitan Andrey bring our thoughts to God with gratitude for the invaluable gift which the Ukrainian people received," said the Bishop. In addition to representatives of the clergy, also present at the unveiling were regional and city authorities. Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyj noted that Andrey Sheptytsky in a large measure influenced his world view.
The head of the Lviv Regional Council, Myroslav Senyk, noted that the teachings of Metropolitan Andrey are eternal: "He talked about things that will always be relevant. The Metropolitan cautioned us of many things – he said not to sell land, not use credit, not to become dependent on someone. This memorial tablet is a symbol of a great spirit. I am sure that in time we will also establish a monument to this great man."
Prepared by Nataliya KUZIO
www.galinfo.com.ua www.ugcc.lviv.ua
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