Greek and Roman Catholic bishops of Ukraine expressed solidarity and prayerful closeness on the Holodomor Remembrance Day
Sunday, 27 November 2016, 16:12 On November 25, Greek Catholic and Roman Catholic bishops of Ukraine issued an appeal on the occasion of the Holodomor Remembrance Day, in which expressed solidarity and prayerful closeness on these days of nation-wide remembrance and mourning for the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine.
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Having gathered in Lviv-Bryukhovychi, we, the Catholic bishops who perform our ministry in Ukraine appeal to all the faithful of our Churches as well as to all compatriots to express our solidarity and prayerful closeness on these days of nation-wide remembrance and mourning for the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine.
On the day that we remember the tragic events we pray especially for all who have died of starvation so that they become partakers of the Heavenly Table of our Lord.
The ineffable suffering of our people was due to various godless ideologies. Making joint efforts to clean our past, each of us must make a sincere examination of conscience, asking God to forgive the evil that had taken place, and may continue to take place in our lives.
We encourage our clergy and faithful to lift onto God the thanksgiving prayer for daily bread during the Mass. I also thank God for the Eucharistic Bread – the Body of the Risen Christ, through which He feeds our souls. Let us ask the Lord that we had trust and faith in Him, the Creator and Giver of material and spiritual wealth.
Today, as yesterday, many people who live beside us are lacking food and warmth. We urge everyone to proceed with the acts of mercy, showing compassion and active solidarity, especially with people in our society who lack the basic necessities - the poor, orphans, elderly, internally displaced persons, wounded, prisoners and other people in need. We particularly encourage those our compatriots who have enough bread to share with those who lack it.
In a joint prayer for peace in our beloved Homeland, we are calling down the blessing upon the entire Ukrainian nation.

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