UGCC Head to authority: Do not deprive people of their last livelihoods
Monday, 30 November 2015, 10:52 His Beatitude Sviatoslav urged Ukrainian authorities not to shift the burden of the current problems on the shoulders of the weakest and most vulnerable people.![](
See also:
- COVID-19 vaccination post opened at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ
- Unity with a successor of Peter the apostle is a part of the faith of the Church rather than a political or diplomatic manoeuvre, - the Head of the UGCC
- On the Day of St. John the Baptist the Head of the UGCC welcomed the faithful to pray before and after any good deed
In the Sunday sermon, on November 29 during the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ the patriarch said: “These days of sorrow we remember the terrible famine - genocide of the Ukrainian people, which is known worldwide as the Holodomor of 1932-1933. At a time when the earth yield abundant fruit, the madding criminal ruler took all food from people, and ultimately took away their lives".
"We see”, said the patriarch, “that history again and again reproduces the parable of the foolish ruler. But today, remembering the millions of victims of this great crime, praying for them before the throne of God, let us be vigilant that such crimes do not recur in our land. For there are enough madding rulers today. "
In this connection, the Head of the Church appealed “to all of our legislators who are to decide these days on the budget for next year on the reform of the Tax Code.” “Do not deprive people of their last livelihoods,” he called. “Do not shift burden of our modern life on the shoulders of the weakest, on the shoulders of those who have nothing to live for.”
“The Church as mother and teacher,” he said, “is calling today to protect the most vulnerable and poor. “Listen to the voice of God's wisdom, which teaches to properly manage the land that was given to us today as the promised land for our possession,” he said. “And to all those who are anxiously thinking how to survive this winter as survive in times of economic hardship and devastation in our state, I am turning with the word consolation and hope,: “God continues to care for us, even if fools do not know how to manage God’s land. All-wise Lord, the source of our life is with us.” It is reported by the Information Department of the UGCC.
As reported, Ukraine ranks first in the list of Europe's poorest countries with an average adult income of $1437.
This is attested by Swiss bank Credit Suisse rating, according to European Pravda.
Belarus occupies the second place with the income of $ 1,551, the third place is occupied by Moldova of $ 3104. The study states that data on the countries of Eastern Europe are very limited, so the figures can differ from reality.
The leader of the ranking is Switzerland, where the average adult wealth is $ 576,000. It is followed by Iceland, Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden and Luxembourg, where the income of an adult citizen is above 300 thousand dollars.
In 2015, the total “global wealth” reached $ 250 trillion. The half of the world wealth is now concentrated in the hands of only 1% of the population.
The highest growth of household wealth was observed in the US and China, and for the first time the Chinese middle class outnumbered that of the US - 109 million people vs. 92 million people.
Source: RISU
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