The president of Ukraine, Victor Yushchenko, met with students and seminarians of the Ukrainian pontifical collegiums of Saint Josaphat
Friday, 05 June 2009, 23:52 The president of Ukraine, Victor Yushchenko, along with his wife Mrs. Katrina Yushchenko, met with students and seminarians of the Ukrainian pontifical collegiums of Saint Josaphat in the Vatican.
The president of Ukraine, Victor Yushchenko, along with his wife Mrs. Katrina Yushchenko, met with students and seminarians of the Ukrainian pontifical collegiums of Saint Josaphat in the Vatican.
Speaking to the students and seminarians, President Yushchenko explained that as future pastors, priests and spiritual fathers of the Ukrainian people, the task of strengthening the Ukrainian nation is in their hands. “Through your mission, dear seminarians, arises the uniquely important duty to establish our nation and state,” he said, adding that the state cannot develop without a strong foundation of faith.
On the topic of the Ukrainian pontifical collegiums of Saint Josaphat, the President remarked that during the many years of hardships for Ukraine and for our nation, the pontifical collegiums served as a unique centre for the cultivation of the Greek-Catholic Church that had been forbidden by the communists. This gave Ukrainians the possibility to obtain a spiritual education and to serve our nation by providing it with words of faith. According to the president, the important role of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in supporting the state and our unyielding connection with Europe is undeniable.
In his opinion, the state should do everything within its power to support a renewal of Christian and national values, morality as well as culture. The president emphasized his hope for the creation of a unique ‘sui juris’ Orthodox Church in Ukraine and expressed his confidence that it will in fact one day happen. “I see today a strong desire for unity in the leaders of the church” he said.
President Yuschenko described Ukraine as a modern day example of tolerance when it comes to inter-confessional relations. The task of the state authority, according to the current leader, has been and continues to be the development of an “open and honest” relationship with the church.
In his speech, the president explained that Ukraine highly values the unique relations it has with the Holy See. In fact, the strengthening of these mutual relations was the main purpose of his visit. President Yuschenko informed the audience about his invitation to Pope Benedict XVI to visit Ukraine, reminding them that the visit of Pope John Paul II had been very meaningful for us.
The administration of the collegiums and the seminarians both thanked the president and his wife for the visit to their educational institution. They also expressed gratitude for his continued support and attention to the necessities of spiritual life of Ukrainian society.
During the visit, Victor and Katrina Yushchenko answered the questions of students and seminarians.

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