Priest of the UGCC will provide spiritual ministry for military peacemakers in Kosovo
Monday, 16 November 2009, 22:15 On November 13, 2009, the final stage of the rotation of the national constituent of “UkrPolbatu” took place. On this day, 98 Ukrainian peacemakers including pastor of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Fr. Ihor Fedoryshyn left for Kosovo to carry out pastoral ministry for the Ukrainian peacemakers.
On November 13, 2009, the final stage of the rotation of the national constituent of “UkrPolbatu” took place. On this day, 98 Ukrainian peacemakers including pastor of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Fr. Ihor Fedoryshyn left for Kosovo to carry out pastoral ministry for the Ukrainian peacemakers.
Among the basic tasks, which will depend on the specific staff of the Ukrainian contingent, include patrolling, providing safety for the movement of local habitants, holding military services at observational points, granting humanitarian help, checking motor transport and people for the presence of weapons, explosives, narcotics, and contraband, and guarding historical monuments.
Father Ihor is the main military chaplain of the Buchach Eparchy of the UGCC. He was on military service in Afghanistan, and thus knows very well the life of military servicemen and the tasks needed for peacemaking. “We all were very young during the war in Afghanistan and we did not have a military chaplain who could help us overcome personal obstacles. Today, I realize my vocation to be near the military men and support them during difficult times in their life.”
Overall, as part of the rotation in Kosovo, 184 Ukrainian peacemakers will be changed. The 125 new peacemakers will serve 10 months.
Father Lubomyr Yavorskyj, deputy of the head of Department of the Patriarch’s Curia of the UGCC on Matters of Ministry in the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated “Father Ihor was accepted by the military as a man who understands them well and immediately after were ready to work with him.” Besides, Fr Lubomyr noted that the military association values the presence of a pastor in such places, during military service.
Information Department of the UGCC
Information: The national contingent of the joint Ukrainian-Poland peacemaking battalion “UkrPolbat” is executing its task as part of the multinational brigade “East” of the forces of KFOR since September 1, 1999.
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