People who are searching for food in garbage bins is a challenge to me and everyone, - Fr. Andriy Lemchuk, priest of Buchach eparchy
Friday, 20 November 2020, 13:20 “Feed the Poor” campaign at the Cathedral of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul of Buchach Eparchy, UGCC has been launched in Chortkiv.-
See also:
- These days, all those who did not take up arms are volunteers: Head of the UGCC in Brovary
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- Caritas-Kyiv is asking for help in feeding the homeless and needy
“An appeal to feed the hungry, if looking more deeply, means not just to help a person to deal with their financial issues and mundane activities, but to support their needs in communication, family, brotherly and Christian relationships. It means to create special conditions, so people, who are searching for something in garbage bins of our city, may be satisfied not once or twice only, but they are able to find passion for life and a sense of self-esteem having contact with our volunteers and realizing that they are beloved sons and daughters of the Heavenly Father as well. I assume it is a challenge for me and all of us, Christians of the XXI century. We have to think deeper what we ought to do with this”, says the senior priest of the cathedral, Fr. Andriy Lemchuk.
It was agreed with active parishioners to negotiate placing tables with an advertisement of collecting food for the poor next to a cash desk, previously arranging a campaign with few shop owners from Chortkiv. Youth from the parish will regularly pick up the products and deliver it to the church.
“It might somewhat complicate the process, considering the number of alcoholics there, nevertheless even these people do not encounter a hopeless situation. God continues to look for the lost, yet with a different approach”, the organizers of the campaign claim.
So far the parishioners’ proposal has been accepted by three shops of the city.
“You are welcome to join in being generous in giving alms, as God says himself: “whatever you did to the least of these, you did for me”, Mathew 25, 40. We have a great opportunity to testify our genuine Christianity and the way we treat our neighbor during the time of pandemic, also realizing the importance of saving our souls”, encouraged Fr. Andriy.
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