“Marketing in Church Ministry”: heads of UGCC eparchial youth commissions passed additional training
Sunday, 13 December 2020, 14:58 Within two days, December 8-9, heads of UGCC eparchial youth commissions chaired by Fr. Rostyslav Pendiuk, head of UGCC Commission for Youth and the secretary of the Pastoral Council participated in a regular formation meeting entitled “Marketing in Church Ministry” with further planning of pastoral ministry for 2021.-
See also:
- The Head of the UGCC to the youth: The pandemic teaches us not to be afraid
- First Youth Prayer Breakfast was held in Ternopil
To realize new projects successfully, priests shared their experience and mapped out new streams of activity, which they have managed to develop this year. Despite all challenges caused by the quarantine, priests together with their youth communities managed to implement few interesting ideas.
Fr. Roman Demush, deputy head of UGCC Commission for Youth told about a keen sense of a joint prayer for young people, since praying together is a guaranty of a successful cooperation. He also mentioned that together with Fr. Rostyslav Pendiuk they were learning how to create high quality projects and present them effectively further on. “This kind of studying is evidence of our understanding that our young priesthood needs constant growth and a special context”.
In the frame of studying priests were drawing up a calendar of youth events for 2021 – Single Youth Space of UGCC.
There was also an opportunity to familiarize with Youth catechism “I am following Christ”, presented by Fr. Nazar Duda, deputy head of Patriarchal catechetical commission of UGCC.
A two day meeting held at Patriarchal House in Lviv included a brotherly meeting with priests who are the participants of #МАПа_edu study course, which is taking place these days and joined a workshop on performing arts moderated by Oleh Pryhoda.
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