In Zarvanytsia a retreat was held for UGCC Kyiv Archeparchy students and lecturers
Thursday, 30 May 2013, 10:53 On May 24-26 in the Marian Pilgrimage Center in Zarvanytsia a retreat was held for students, Obnova Kyiv Catholic student members and Kyiv Archeparchy lecturers. It was organized by the Kyiv Archeparchy Center for Academic Pastoral Care within the framework of the Year of Faith.On May 24-26 in the Marian Pilgrimage Center in Zarvanytsia a retreat was held for students, Obnova Kyiv Catholic student members and Kyiv Archeparchy lecturers. It was organized by the Kyiv Archeparchy Center for Academic Pastoral Care within the framework of the Year of Faith.
On May 25th the pilgrims visited the museum farmstead of Patriarch Josyf Slipyi in the village Zazdrist where Rev. Andriy Kozak, the dean of the church, celebrated the Liturgy and afterwards they had an opportunity to learn more about the selfless life of Patriarch Josyf.
In Zarvanytsia the retreat participants prayed the Akaphist to the Zarvanytsia Blessed Mother, prayed before the miraculous icon in the parish church and participated in the Evening Vespers together with the Studite monks. A great blessing was the Pontifical Divine Liturgy in the Zarvanytsia Mother of God Cathedral, headed by Bishop Vasyl (Semeniuk), Archbishop and Metropolitan of Ternopil-Zbruch on Sunday, May 26th.
In addition to the prayer-liturgical events, retreat participants also listened to shared lessons led by Rev. Volodymyr Malchyn, the director of the Kyiv Archeparchy Center of Academic Pastoral Care and Chaplain of Kyiv-Obnova. The retreat focused on the text of the Vespers: “Seeing the Resurrection of Christ.”At the beginning of the presentation, the priest noted that these lessons differ from Great Lenten retreats, focused mainly on repentance and reconciliation with God: During the time of Resurrection, as we still hear the mighty singing of “Christ is Risen” we accentuate the joy of meeting the Resurrected God – in order to understand that these words are not only a greeting but an expression of our belief in one of the most important truths, which the Church preaches until this day.”
All lessons were based on contemplation of the eleven Resurrection Gospels from the Vespers, with singing of the relevant liturgical stykhyrs under the direction of Brother Hryhoriy Bereziuk, a seminarian at the Trokhsviatytelskyi Spiritual Seminary.
Each of the participants attentively listened to the Word of God, contemplated on it and thereby fertilized his faith. In conclusion, Rev. Volodymyr wished all the pilgrims that their lives be evidence that Christ has truly risen, that He is alive and continues his Savior’s mission in the Church: “’I wish that your whole life be a living testimony of this blissful news on which our faith is based.”
“I thank the Kyiv Archeparchy Academic Pastoral Care Center for organizing the recollections,” shared her impressions Oksana Pidkova, Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography and Geomorphology at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, “but most of all I thank God for the possibility of being in Zarvanytsia, to touch the inexhaustible fountain of God’s grace and goodness. I thank the Zarvanytsia Blessed Mother for her limitless love, patience and motherly care for us sinners, for the heard prayers, and the intercession! May the Risen Christ forever be with us!”
Kyiv Archeparchy Academic Pastoral Care Center

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