For the second time, Caritas Ukraine Soccer Team has won a leading place in a soccer tournament
Wednesday, 22 May 2013, 09:03 On May 20, 2013, in Kyiv at the Bannikov Stadium, the second UNICEF CUP youth soccer tournament was held. The level of the tournament expanded quite a bit from last year; this year in the final match for the trophy there were young men and women participating from Mykolayiv, Kherson, Kharkiv, Transcarpathia, and for the second time the teams from Brody, Kolomyia, Odesa and Kyiv also took part. Overall, 11 teams and close to a 100 players participated. From all of these teams, the Caritas-Kyiv Soccer Team won third place, according to Rev. Roman Syrotych, director of the Charitable Fund Caritas Kyiv.On May 20, 2013, in Kyiv at the Bannikov Stadium, the second UNICEF CUP youth soccer tournament was held. The level of the tournament expanded quite a bit from last year; this year in the final match for the trophy there were young men and women participating from Mykolayiv, Kherson, Kharkiv, Transcarpathia, and for the second time the teams from Brody, Kolomyia, Odesa and Kyiv also took part. Overall, 11 teams and close to a 100 players participated. From all of these teams, the Caritas-Kyiv Soccer Team won third place, according to Rev. Roman Syrotych, director of the Charitable Fund Caritas Kyiv.
The main organizer of the event was the UN Children’s Fund, assisted by the Soccer Federation of Ukraine (SFU) and the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The French Embassy in Ukraine, International Alliance of AIDS in Ukraine, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), stars of the variety show Maiestro. Internet transmission was provided by
The main goal of the tournament was once again the attempt to turn society’s attention to the issue of unprotected children and youth in Ukraine. This year’s tournament received an incredible support, mainly from social networks. UNICEF Facebook presented the members of the team and provided current information on the situation of youth, issues and protection of children in Ukraine. The tournament was also covered by twitter ( search: #UNICEFCup). Among the users of the social networks there were competitions. The tournament interested several tens of users and a general auditorium of several thousand. The event was also covered by the traditional media: Ukrinform, newspapers Vysokyi Zamok and Komsomolska Pravda in Ukraine.
“After a tense battle in the group, in the mid-finals and the finals, the well-earned victory was gained by the team Troieshchyna from Kyiv. Second place went to the team Internat from Mykolayiv. Third place went to Mriya, a team founded and supported by Caritas-Kyiv. Given the strength of the winners and the rest of the tournament participants, third place can be viewed as a very favorable win,” stated Slavko Fedchenko, Caritas social worker.
All the participating teams received valuable prizes from UNESCO, listened to official greetings from UNICEF and SFU and their idol-musicians.
A special treat was the presence of a Kyiv Dynamo team member, Oleksandr Shovkovsky, who presented the awards.
Commentators of the invited guests and the organizations reflected the goal of the event - focusing attention on the issues of childhood. The role of soccer was acknowledged as developing virtues and a mature responsible attitude among young men and women, besides also providing healthy recreation.
In addition to gifts from the organizers, our team also received a “soccer cake” and greetings in the Social Center of Caritas-Kyiv. We remind readers that a month ago the Caritas-Kyiv Soccer team Mriya received a silver prize in Odesa. The next match of the young soccer players will be in a month at the Soccer Star of the Future Tournament in Ternopil. “For young soccer players on that day, the doors of the Museum of the Soccer Federation of Ukraine were opened. It is a place which exhibits collections of trophies and souvenirs tied with the biggest successes of Ukrainian soccer. Also it hosted a banquet for the participants.”
News from Soccer Federation of Ukraine
Reported by Caritas-Kyiv Press Service
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