By turning off unnecessary lighting and domestic electrical appliances for one hour, we will make our contribution to the rescue of the Earth
Monday, 30 March 2009, 20:41

Information Department of the UGCC
AppendixAddress of the Bureau of the Kyiv and Halych Major Archbishopric of the UGCC
on Questions of Ecology
concerning the worldwide action in defense of nature "Earth Hour"
Dear brothers and sisters! Dear compatriots!
Our planet is seriously sick. The basic symptoms of its ecological disease show themselves in the unbalancing of the climatic system and all more frequent natural cataclysms which carry in themselves larger threats and more tragic consequences for people. Let’s remember, for example, only the destructive force of the flood of summer 2008, and also the scale of its socioeconomic and ecological consequences. However paradoxically, we, human beings, are simultaneously the reason and the victims of the illness which scientists call the ecological crisis. Each of us makes his small contribution to its worsening in the measure of immoderate use of natural resources, consumption of energy and everyday relations to the environment. On the other hand, all of us live in a common house which is the Earth and its problems are the problems of each of us. In this sense the Bureau of the Kyiv-Halych Major Archbishopric of the UGCC on Questions of Ecology asks all who are not indifferent to get involved with the world action "Earth Hour," initiated by the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), and accordingly on Saturday March 28 at 20:30 for one hour to turn off unnecessary lighting and domestic electrical appliances. The message of the action is that nobody has the right to remain inactive and expect others to decide. Everybody can and must make their contribution to the rescue of the planet, starting with the smallest things: not to waste electricity, water, and gas; to buy energy-saving devices for home and office, and so on. The essence of the action is to turn the attention of the world community to the problem of climate changes which have tragic consequences for hundreds of millions of people and to show the leaders of nations, who once again are gathering at the end of the year in Copenhagen, that the people of the planet expect strategic and practical decisions from them on this question. In the context of the Christian faith "Earth Hour " is not simply an attempt to economize more electricity for 60 minutes, but it is above all things an opportunity to demonstrate one’s religious identity by becoming involved in world efforts directed at the defense of creation, which “is groaning in labor pains.” (Romans 8:22). Let us recall that the concept of Christian responsibility includes in itself also a caring attitude toward God’s gifts of nature and their wise and moderate use. In the context of Lent "Earth Hour" is for us a significant chance; it is another additional hour in which to stop and consider and to make a general revision of ways of thinking and behavior and to rethink the priority of the values of our life. It is a very good opportunity not simply to turn off the light or electricity, but in time to “plug in” human and Christian consciousness and accordingly again to make time for God, time for the nearest neighbors in the circle of the family, and at the same time also time for the conservation of nature. Let’s not be indifferent, and, as possible, let’s involve friends and neighbors in the action and talk about it with colleagues and acquaintances. One hour in our life can be the beginning of changes for a better future of the planet!Volodymyr Sheremeta, Ph.D.
Head of the Bureau of the Kyiv-Halych
Major Archbishopric of the UGCC on Questions of Ecology

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