A spiritual crisis causes an economic crisis. Under the patronage of His Beatitude Lubomyr, concerts of academic music will be conducted in Ukraine
Thursday, 12 March 2009, 22:31 After Easter, on May 1, 2, 3 and 5, the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church extends an invitation to concerts of academic music "With faith and love." On May 1 a concert will take place in Ivano-Frankivs’k, on May 2 in Ternopil’, May 3 in Lviv, and May 5 in Kyiv.
After Easter, on May 1, 2, 3 and 5, the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church extends an invitation to concerts of academic music "With faith and love." On May 1 a concert will take place in Ivano-Frankivs’k, on May 2 in Ternopil’, May 3 in Lviv, and May 5 in Kyiv.
The purpose of these artistic gatherings is to renew the spirit of Christians: so that the situation of a general financial-economic crisis does not lead to a spiritual crisis. The process of preventing the latter is more difficult. The human being loses faith and hope. And the main thing is that he stops fighting. Therefore, the thought is that concerts must become for their listeners a special place of meeting with God. And also they have to be spiritual-cultural events in the life of the country.
"Throughout the ages the UGCC has occupied a central place in Ukrainian consciousness. The Church, especially in difficult times, became a support, carried hope and faith for a better future. Because of this, the UGCC has acceptance and authority among our leaders of learning and culture... Today, with new challenges, at the initiative of the clergy and artists a project has appeared to support the human being, to help him not lose his spiritual essence," the organizers of the concerts explain.
Prominent Ukrainian cultural workers will take part in the concerts: a star of the world opera stage Viktoriya Lukyanets’ (Viennese opera); brothers Petro and Pavlo Pryimak (National Opera of Ukraine); Natalia and Halyna Datsko, academic chamber orchestra Harmonia Nobile (Lviv Opera); Ivano-Frankivs’k Philharmonic Society (artistic director Oleh Hereta); pianist and composer Oleksandr Kozarenko; violinist-virtuoso Nazar Pylatyuk; and poets Vasyl Herasymiyuk and Ivan Malkovych. The host is actor Yevhen Nyshchuk. The executive producer is Serhiy Arkhypchuk. The introductory word will be by the Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Lubomyr. In the programs will be heard works from the treasury of the Ukrainian and world spiritual heritage.
The project "With faith and love" is charitable. The money collected will go to the completion of the construction of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in the capital. Therefore, the event has the following motto: “Prominent Ukrainian cultural workers – in support of spirituality – in support of the UGCC. Let us assemble! Let us be together! In faith and love.”
Information Department of the UGCC

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